HONOLULU (KHON2) — Every week, Alan Goto meets with other members of the HonpaHongwanji’s Economic Development Board.

“It’s a peaceful place, and it’s a place where you’re offered the opportunity to contribute without a whole lot of coercion,” said Alan Goto HHEDB member.

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It’s also part of a family legacy.

Goto said the temple has always been special to his father; and now, it is to him.

“He’s kind of an ultimate volunteer,” said Jon Matsuoka, executive director for HHEDB.

Jon Matsuoka said Goto’s dedication comes at a critical time.

“And we’re a temple that is declining in membership and with that,” said Matsuoka. “There’s a decline in resources; so, we have to rely heavily on volunteers.”

The Goto family legacy of giving back, doesn’t stop with Alan.

“My 6-year-old grandson, when you ask him ‘why do you come to temple’, he’ll tell you because the snacks are good,” said Goto. “All the refreshments are good; but one day, he told his dad because this is a special place.”

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In addition to his time here, Goto also enjoys ceramics and watercolor. He said all of this contributes to his blessed life.

“I’m just lucky. I’ll be 80 in November, and I feel like I’m just lucky.” concluded Goto.